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Tooth Bleaching in Beverly Hills
It has been said that a person's smile is the first thing that people notice. With that in mind, some people have become reticent to flash their grin due to the fact that their teeth may not be as white as they wish. With age, teeth become stained yellow and dark from a number of things. Tobacco use, tea, wine, and even certain dark fruits can contribute to teeth becoming stained yellow or even have a gray appearance. Thankfully, with many new technological innovations over the last three decades, many legitimate forms of teeth whiteners have been introduced for those looking to brighten their smile. With so many actors and celebrities located in and around the Beverly Hills area, it should be no surprise that teeth whitening procedures have become centered there. More specifically, tooth bleaching in Beverly Hills may be the most popular area for anyone in the Western United States to have this procedure performed.
Tooth Bleaching: What is it?
Tooth bleaching is a procedure that is performed by both cosmetic and general dentists alike. There are many different ways to bleach a patient's teeth although the most accepted and widely used method is bleach trays. This procedure is relatively inexpensive and will yield the best results for the cost of the treatment. When one's teeth become stained from food, drink, and other substance, dentists will make a mold of the teeth that will fit snugly on both the bottom and top of the patient's mouth. After the bleach mold has been made, the patient can complete the rest of the treatments in the comfort of their own home. In a very simple process, the patient will take their bleach trays, apply a certain amount of bleach into the tray, and wear the trays in their mouth for a due period of time. This simple process will take no longer than forty five minutes of one's time and will provide optimal results. For those who do not like to venture into the dentist's office, or those who don't have time for other procedures, this treatment may be the best fit. To find a tooth bleaching Beverly Hills dentist, a simple online search will list a doctor that specializes in this particular teeth whitening procedure.
Tooth Bleaching: Less Expensive
If tooth bleaching in Beverly Hills is a possibility, one will find that this option is far less expensive than other procedures. Tooth bleaching normally costs far less than other procedures based on the fact that the patient is performing their own treatments at home instead of taking up time and space inside a dentist's office. It is also considered a relatively non intrusive and painless procedure as well. Other treatments may include hours spent in an office with bright laser lights and other tools used to brighten teeth. Porcelain teeth even require that one get their permanent teeth removed or filed down. However, tooth bleaching requires only that a person take thirty to forty five minutes of their time, normally before bed, and wear a mouthpiece that contains special bleach foam. Not only is tooth bleaching non intrusive and cheap, but it is deemed one of the most effective ways to whiten teeth available to the average consumer.